Player Watch: Jorge Villafaña

Jorge Villafana Chivas USA

Although goalkeeper Dan Kennedy is probably the best known player on Chivas USA’s roster, the versatile Jorge Villafaña is the longest serving one, and he is probably the most consistent.

Having seen time both as a defender and midfielder over the years, Villafaña is having his best season in terms of points with one goal and three assists so far. Previously, his best season came in 2008 with three goals in just 11 games played, but hasn’t managed offensive numbers like that since then, averaging a goal and an assist over his last two campaigns.

What’s made his consistency with the club even more impressive, especially in a season with so much turnover, is that the native of California joined the team after winning Sueño MLS: Chivas USA Wants You! -  a nationally televised open tryout held by Chivas USA and Major League Soccer.

The 23-year-old is having a breakout season after missing the first three games of the year with an ankle injury, and is being employed mostly as a left side midfielder. In fact, his solid play led to the release of Giovanni Casillas and Frenchman Laurent Courtois, whose pedigree included time at Olympique Lyonnais and West Ham.

Now that he’s cemented his spot on the left side, will we see the same motivated midfielder that clawed his way into the starting lineup this Sunday at Stade Saputo?