Bleu-blanc-noir continues to inspire youth by visiting them in their own environment
MONTREAL – The Montreal Impact launched on Tuesday, as part of the 2019 Hooked on School Days, the 14th edition of its school visits program called All the way with the Impact.
Perseverance, as much in school as in making one’s dreams come true, will be the main subject addressed by the players who will visit students in the greater metropolitan area. The Impact players, who come from various countries and cultures, all have unique personal and professional backgrounds which can inspire our youth.
“It is very important for me to get involved in the school visits and in my community. I want to transmit the values that are important to me and that played a major role in my development,” said Impact midfielder Samuel Piette. “It also is an opportunity for some young supporters to meet their idols and to learn a bit more about the person behind the professional player. When I was young, I was always excited to have a special guest at school, and today, I have the chance to be the one who brings a little bit of joy to these students.”
“It is of the highest importance for us to use our platform as an athlete to also promote our values outside of the pitch,” added goalkeeper Evan Bush. “Education, whether inside or outside of the classroom, is an integral part of our development as people. It is our duty, as public personalities, to share the importance of these experiences.”
The other first team players who will visit students in their schools this year are goalkeepers Jason Beaulieu and James Pantemis, defenders Zakaria Diallo and Daniel Lovitz, as well a midfielder Ken Krolicki.
For 13 years now, the Montreal Impact gets involved in the academic success of our youth through our school visits. In 2019, more than 24 visits will be carried out in establishments from our partnering school boards until the month of May. On the English side, the Lester B. Pearson School Board, the English Montreal School Board, the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board and the New Frontiers School Board will take part in the program, while on the French side, the Commission scolaire Marie-Victorin, the Commission scolaire de Montréal, the Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l'Ile, the Fédération des établissements d'enseignement privés, the Commission scolaire de Laval, the Commission scolaire de la Seigneurie-des-Mille-Iles, the Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec, the Commission scolaire des Patriotes, the Commission scolaire des Affluents and the Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys will host players.
Tony Licursi Bursary Award
Moreover, every year, the club gives $500 bursaries to two students from each partnering school board. The bursaries will be handed out during the halftime of games at Stade Saputo. Winning students are chosen by their school board and are able to reconcile sports, studies and social involvement.